

When did Australia’s first people arrive? …have the paths we have been informed about were they followed?

Doesn’t that make sense?

Down the Asian corridor to the upper end of Oz to Papua New Guinea, where early proof is shown…

But another site might further push human travels back…

A location in southern Victoria, Australia, full of black stones, has increased the risk that people exist on the continent 120 thousand years ago—twice as long as the early human existence in the country is “down below.”

When the issue appears, scepticism or near allegations of mental disability are faced… It seems. It’s safe to think anybody would hug the coast, explore or do anything in an unfamiliar country… There is abundant food and reasonably near to freshwater may be obtained by the… I suppose the proof would lay there… Think like this… Think like it… Everyone’s set up on the beach as the tide begins to roll in. What do you do? What are you doing?’re moving up the beach farther…

Some popular counters are always in accordance with…the evidence shows… Can’t be demonstrated, etc… And it’s probably a reasonable point, to be honest… But proof may be difficult to produce in some circumstances…

Just 10,000 years ago Tasmania was shut down by increasing sea levels from mainland Australia

An example is a site from Wollongong one hour south. The Shoalhaven and Crookhaven rivers ran through the continental shelf during the ice period. Silt near the Nowra Bridge exceeds 70 metres (the depth with freshwater shells) and indicates that the flow of the river was at the base of a 100-meter throat

Around 6,000 years ago, the sea reached its current level and since that time several archaeological sites have survived In the past science intriguing study on people’s homes in Australia was examined and then rejected up to 120,000 years ago

A number of housing sites have been found considerably early than planned, however, the debate has resulted in more cautious dates. The latest find should force all archaeological sites to be replenished…

To my knowledge, Asia and Australia have not been connected at any point…

Or not new enough to permit foot crossing, at least…

So a maritime trip took place at some point, not a lengthy one granted, but one all the same…

There is still research and analysis…

But I suppose a missing piece of the jigsaw may be a good opportunity under the waves…

A gene that suggests perhaps interbreeding with species not yet found is another find of concern…

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