
Archaeologists Discover a 2700-Year-Old Toilet in Jerusalem

Authorities in Israel announced Tuesday that archaeologists discovered a unique antique toilet in Jerusalem going back more than 2,700 years when private restrooms were a rarity in the holy city. The smooth, carved limestone toilet was discovered in a rectangular hut that was part of a large palace overlooking what is now the Old City, according to the Israeli Antiquities Authority. It was built for comfortable seating, and a deep septic tank was excavated beneath it.

A private bathroom cubicle was extremely unusual in antiquity, and only a handful have been discovered to date,” said Yaakov Billig, the excavation’s director. “Only the wealthy could afford toilets,” he added, adding that a famous rabbi once claimed that being wealthy meant having a toilet next to his table.

According to the antiquities authorities, animal bones and ceramics discovered in the septic tank might offer insight into the lifestyle and nutrition of people living at the time, as well as old illnesses.

On Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021, an Israel Antiquities Authority photo shows a unique antique toilet in Jerusalem going back more than 2,700 years when private restrooms were a luxury in the holy city. The smooth, carved limestone toilet was discovered in a rectangular hut that was part of a large palace overlooking what is now the Old City, according to the Israeli Antiquities Authority on Tuesday.

The researchers discovered stone capitals and columns from the time period, as well as traces of a surrounding garden with orchards and aquatic plants – more proof that individuals who lived there were extremely rich.

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